Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Psalm 143:8

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Once again the birdflu has hit our household.
(You would think they would have a cure by now)
As Sidney says, we are going to get another Zakary.
There will be on September 16th another rugrat in
our household. Some suggested names by our kids are
Onesimus (At least Sid is paying attention in Sunday School),
Thomas, (Hint - Choo, Choo), and Bob (the builder).
(posted by the expectant father)


Faith said...

Congrats!! You'll travel East across the desert bearing gifts. * grin * Sidney, Zakary and Myrrh!

Alicia said...

Oh, that's wonderful news! We're so happy for you. We had a little boy really pushing for the name Thomas (Choo-choo) too.
I heard you are moving East. How far east are you going and when will you arrive?

loree2000 said...

I don't think I knew you were expecting again! Congratulations!