Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Psalm 143:8

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

San Diego

David's Birthday was May 2nd and he wanted to go to San Diego for the Red Bull air races. We only live 5 hours from there, so we went out on Friday morning and returned Saturday evening after the races. The qualifying runs were on Saturday, and the actual races were on Sunday, which we didn't stay for. The route we take goes right beside the sand dunes outside of Yuma, AZ. When Zak looked out the window and saw all the sand he exclaimed with great wonder - "Mom, is this Sand-iego".

We also got some time to play at the beach. It was rather chilly, so thankfully mostly empty of sun-bathers. Sidney was at the beach when she was about 9 months old. She of course doesn't remember it, and Zak had never seen the ocean. They both loved it. I like the beauty of the ocean, however I am NOT - may I re emphasize- NOT fond of sand, in the hair, clothes, car, etc. What a mess, it sticks to everything!!! I am so glad we don't live near an ocean, because I would go crazy. When we were leaving the beach, I threw some sandy wet towels up on top of the car while I was helping the kids get in. When we got home to Phoenix, I noticed sand all over the top of the car. However the aero-dynamics work on that car, it never blew off. WERID!!! (yes I did remember to put the towels in the trunk)
Zak loved to chase the water in and out and David took him way out so he could kind of ride the surf on his float ring. Sidney got knocked down and wet right after we got there and she refused to have anything more to do with the water. She spent all of her time digging and filling up the buckets with sand. We made a pretty cool sand castle but in the picture some of it had already washed away.
The air races were held over the San Diego bay. The point of the race is to fly through the obstacle course with out taking out the inflated cones in the shortest time. As a pilot, David was much more intrigued then I. Once I saw one go through, the rest was pretty much redundant. But overall it was a fun day.

Sidney's Birthday

For Sidney's 3rd Birthday, we got her a bike. We had gotten Zak a bike for his 3rd birthday, and got him the smallest one you can buy. He seemed to grow out of it so fast, so David wanted to get Sidney the next size up to start off with.

She was thrilled with her bike and figered it out in minutes. Zak is explaining to her the brake system. The brown thing laying in the grass is our neighbor's dog, not a dead pig.

I made Sidney a "princess cake". You bake the cake mix in bowls. We asked Sidney how old she was and she had to take some time to count it out on her fingers.

This pic has nothing to do with her birthday, but I thought it was cute of the kids chowing down on dill pickles, an addiction they learned from me. David won't get within 3 feet of any open pickle jar.