Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Psalm 143:8

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Birthday Girl

My little girl is growing up. She turned 2 this month and got spoiled with too many gifts from her grandparents, including her adopted AZ Grandma and Grandpa. She is the life of our party, but can also be a little drama queen. She of course has her big brother wrapped around her little finger, and can get him to do all kinds of things. Just yesterday she attempted to blame him for a unfortunate diaper incident. I asked her why her diaper was smelly and she replied with a coy dip of the head -"Zak did it". Typical female!

Cousins, Unpaking, Sweet peas and such...

This is Zak pushing his little cousin Mathew Stinebrickner. He is not quite a 18 mos old and is a very advertersome little tike. My poor sister has no fence on their 5 acre property, and he, like most boys, loves to explore. We had just rescued him for the deep dark woods and since he was not to fond of the idea of returning to the safe back yard, a creative ride and push from his big cousin Zak was the ticket to convincing him.

OH the JOYs of unpacking.

I don't mind getting ready for a trip, it's coming home and then unloading all the things you thought you needed to take. I always wonder, what I was thinking... "Did I really need so many pairs of shoes..."
Sidney decided the duffel bag made a great seat for her popcycle break. Have I mentioned She LOVES popcycles. I think it may have even been one of her first words. I know, I know, the sweeper does not make a great backdrop. I never said I was a great photographer.
It's nice to be home, although I am already dying from the heat. We have been hitting the 90's already and it's ONLY MAY. YIKKESSS
Pray for me that I shall Endure. God is teaching me not to complain...I'm not always a fast learner
Our dear friends Bud and Sherry were so kind to water our flowers and plants while were were gone. David is still a country boy at heart (I am too, I just don't go to all the trouble) so this year he tried again to plant a garden in our back yard. It is doing amazingly well, and we are enjoying turnips, turnips and more turnips, (he got a little carried away with the turnips) as well as sweet peas. The carrots and lettus don't seem to be ready yet, and the corn decided it miscalculated the days, as it is so hot, so it started to tassel. The poor things are only 2 feet high.

Excuse the grass which is in need of a hair cut.

First fruits of our "hard" labors.