Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Psalm 143:8

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Zak is 6

This is 12 days late, but I still wanted to post something about Zak's birthday. Happy birthday buddy, you are one of the best gifts God has given me, even though I didn't think I wanted you at first. God made you extra, extra special and He did a great job. You are doing awesome in school, and working so hard. I am so thankful you have a tender heart for God and are so gentle with your little sister and brother. I love you!

Age 2

Age 3

Age 4

Age 5

Age 6

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Snowmen

I believe that these are the first snowmen the kids have ever made. Even though we took trips home for Christmas in the past 6 years, I don't remember them ever getting a chance to make a snowman. We are loving the snow here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Gordon Christmas

We spent the first part of Christmas week with my parents and the second part with Davids. Nana helping the kids decorate sugar cookies. Our icing ended up being pink rather then red, but the cookies still tasted "Christmasy"
Nana left her small tree in the Dining room for the children to decorate. They had fun and with a little help the decorations were not too lopsided. See Dylan's red socks - he was supervising from his seat on the table.

Nana and Papa playing the Kids version of the Farming Game. We found this neat game at a Mennonite Store.

Papa passing out the gifts.

Dylan's first Teddy Bear - a gift from his Great Grandma and Grandpa Gordon.
Helping Zak and Gavin with their race cars.
And then the MEAL!!!
It was so neat to share Christmas with a few friends of our family. On the left between my mother and Grandmother is dear Sis Breckbill and on the right between David and my goofy brother is our good friend Matt. We tried something we have never made before - Stuffed Pork Loin. If you haven't ever tried it, your missing something. A little pricey, but it was wonderful!! My mom is one of the best cooks, she also made Spinach casserole and Twice baked potatoes. I made rolls and we also had cranberry salad. It was Plum Yummy!!!
Pappy with Jeffery and Dylan
I try to take pictures of my kids with their Great grandparents as often as I can of. Not too many are so blessed to have grandparents still living.
I'm really not sure why they have such sober faces....

The End of the Day.
Not sure who was rocking who to sleep. Notice Dylan is still awake.
Don't worry, I rescued him before he slid off her lap.

The Evans' Christmas (beware multiple pics)

Uncle Kathir, Makla (his daughter) and Dylan.
Patiently awaiting lunch. Sidney and Kaylee B
Zakary and Cedric B
Caught in the act... Thieving the turkey.
Aunt Adena
Aunt Joy
Mammie - the chef
David's parents have a huge garage on their property. Great for playing games. An Evans' tradition is that Dad Evans creates a new game to play each Christmas. This isn't exactly a "new" game, but he set up courts to play Pickle Ball. Ever heard of it? Evidently it's the fastest growing sport in the US. A cross between tennis and ping pong.
Aunt Joy was the story teller to keep the kids out of harms way.Moments before I died.
Alfred B. trying to look grown up.
Mammie and Dylan
Zak Sledding

Zak and Sid

Our Christmas

I am aware (thank you very much for the reminders) that I am way behind with blogging. So today, being a little under the weather, and sitting at home, I decided to catch up from Christmas. We celebrated our own Christmas on Dec 20th and then left for PA to celebrate with our families. These are just some random pics from before we left.
My pirate and princess.
Full of smiles
Making Christmas Cookies
Due to limited space, and our Christmas decorations all packed in storage, we decided not to buy a Christmas tree this year. However I did find this little 2 foot tree at the Goodwill. It had a motion sensor that activated Christmas carols when you walked by, and its eyes and mouth opened and closed in time with the music. The kids loved it.